A regular waxing routine offers countless benefits for men and women seeking a more polished appearance. Of course, the perks go beyond hair removal!
Many find that frequent waxing sessions improve the overall look and feel of their skin. If you’re curious about the advantages of these services, you’re in the right place. Join us for a look at the many benefits of facial waxing.
What are the types of face waxing?
While you probably already know about all the options for body waxing, you might be surprised to learn just how many different areas of the face can be shaped with this method. Here’s a list to get you started with your new waxing routine:
Brow waxing
Eyebrows are one of the most popular waxing targets. After all, wax makes it easy to sculpt the perfect shape to complement your other facial features.
Chin waxing
Long, thick chin hairs are a nuisance for many. However, regular facial waxing appointments can keep them in check so you can stop spending hours in front of the mirror plucking them out.
Lip waxing
The upper lip is another common spot for waxing. From peach fuzz to a full mustache, this treatment can tackle it all.
Nose waxing
If you’ve been painstakingly trimming or plucking your nose hairs, it’s time to put down the tweezers and find a trusted waxing specialist. Hair removal experts can quickly extract those unwanted hairs from your nostrils in one speedy application.
They typically use a hard wax — which is rolled into a ball and allowed to cool slightly — to grab onto the hairs at the entrance to your nostrils.
Ear waxing
As we age, many of us begin to see long, wiry strands of hair along the exterior of our ears or the entrance to the canal. Fortunately, an experienced waxing professional can safely remove these obnoxious hairs.
Cheeks and sideburn waxing
Peach fuzz is another inevitable part of aging for many, but you can minimize the fluffy stuff and shape up your sideburns and cheeks with regular waxing appointments. You might even notice that your makeup sits on the skin in a more desirable way when you eliminate this excess hair growth.
Benefits of face waxing on a regular schedule
A routine waxing schedule can work wonders for your face and minimize the maintenance process. Here are some of the perks you can look forward to:
Exfoliates skin
Regular waxing exfoliates skin to reveal a glowing complexion beneath. When you establish a waxing routine, you’ll consistently remove the dead skin cells that clog pores and contribute to fine lines and wrinkles.
Slows hair regrowth
You can think of waxing like tending a garden. If you simply trim weeds at the soil line, their root systems will strengthen and send up even more robust stems.
The same principle applies to your face. Shaving addresses the issue on the surface but doesn’t fix the source of the problem. When you wax, your hair must regenerate from the root, which slows hair growth and buys you more time to enjoy smooth, hairless skin.
Hair grows back finer
Once those tender little baby hairs finally re-emerge, they’ll be thinner and finer than if you’d shaved. So, even though you’ll need to allow your facial hair to grow longer for a successful waxing session, it’ll be less prominent.
Long-lasting results
Most people can go two to six weeks between waxing appointments without having to worry about visible facial hair. New wax clients may be disappointed to see new hairs appear only a few days after their first appointment.
However, your growth cycles will begin to synchronize as you maintain a regular facial waxing schedule, and you’ll see fewer hairs pop up shortly after treatment.
Fast, simple procedure
Waxing is a quick and easy procedure. In fact, small treatment areas can take as little as five to ten minutes.
What are the drawbacks of face waxing?
While waxing is considered safe for most people, all hair removal methods come with the risk of certain side effects. Here are a few things to look out for after your appointment while following your waxing aftercare instructions:
Pain or discomfort
Discomfort during your facial waxing treatment is fairly common and typically mild. Most clients describe it as a stinging sensation that subsides almost immediately.
Skin irritation
Post-wax skin can be particularly tender. Some people experience redness and inflammation as the treatment area heals. For the best results, layer on gentle, salon-grade products like fragrance-free moisturizer and use a cool compress to calm irritation.
We must mention that people with acne-prone skin should wait until any active breakouts are cleared up before waxing. After all, hair removal during this time can spread acne-causing bacteria and increase the risk of infection and other complications.
Sun sensitivity
Since waxing exfoliates your outer layer, you’ll be more susceptible to sun damage after waxing. It’s essential to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen in the days after treatment to care for your sensitive skin.
Complications for certain medications
Certain acne medications, such as isotretinoin, tetracycline, and retinols, can increase skin sensitivity. Other meds like blood thinners and anti-inflammatories can also make you more prone to bleeding and bruising.
Let your treatment specialist know about any medications you’ve recently taken so they can determine whether or not it’s safe to start a face waxing routine.
Let Enso answer your questions on routine face waxing!
At Enso, we’re committed to providing the best products for waxing experts and at-home hair removal enthusiasts!
From our Enso Duo wax warmer to our luscious array of hard and soft waxes, we’ve got you covered! Browse our collection or contact us today to learn more.