Have you ever wondered if waxing truly reduces hair growth or simply just slows it down? The quest for smooth, hair-free skin is a common pursuit, with waxing being one of the most popular ways to achieve it.
Beyond the immediate benefits of waxing, does the service offer a more long-term solution by actually reducing hair growth? Let's delve into this question and the science behind it.
Does waxing reduce hair growth?
A common belief amongst estheticians and individuals who choose to wax regularly is that, with time, waxing can result in a reduction of new hair growth. This concept is not unfounded and may actually surprise you with how effective waxing can be on minimizing unwanted regrowth.
Waxing will have your hair growing back thinner
To begin, in addition to being a quick way to remove unwanted body hair, using hard wax to remove hair as a whole directly from the hair follicle can result in thinner strands of hair resurfacing over time. Since each strand of hair is pulled directly at the root, each individual hair root becomes damaged over time resulting in new growth that is nowhere near as thick and coarse as it was before.
Ingrown hairs are harder to have with waxing
Unlike shaving, using waxing as the preferred method of hair removal will result in smooth skin free of razor burn while also working hard to prevent ingrown hairs. Why? Simply put, when the hair is removed at the root instead of cut at the surface level of the skin, there is less of a chance that the regrowth will become trapped and grow in on itself.
Waxing will have your hair growing back sparser
With a regular waxing schedule, most clients will notice that waxing effectively disturbs the hair follicle, weakening it over time. As a few hair growth cycles come to pass, waxing will have affected the hair root significantly enough to stop hair growth in certain parts of the treated area.
Why waxing is better at reducing hair growth
Now that we understand the ways in which waxing treatments can cause changes in how our hair grows, let’s take a moment to understand how and why these changes happen, as well as why other methods of hair removal do not produce the same results.
Waxing attacks the hair follicles
As mentioned above, the primary reason waxing remains an effective way of removing hair is due to its ability to damage hair follicles. When soft or hard wax is used to achieve the benefits of hairless skin, you’re also investing in a better way to remove hair permanently.
Shaving is surface level hair removal
While convenient, shaving is incapable of providing the same results as waxing as it is a surface level solution for hair removal needs. In fact, some believe that shaving can actually stimulate hair growth at an increased rate.
Waxing is a quick process with long lasting results
In addition to being considered an affordable treatment when compared to other long-term hair removal solutions, waxing is a relatively quick process that can be completed in a matter of minutes. The hands of a skilled professional will ensure that the service is completed quickly and effectively.
Making sure your hair growth is slow after waxing
In order to obtain the best results, it’s crucial to follow a few post wax care instructions. We’ve listed some of the most important ones below:
Wear comfortable, breathable clothing
For all waxes, but brazilian waxes especially, always be sure to care for your skin by wearing comfortable, loose fitting clothing following your service. Allowing the skin to breath following a wax will reduce irritation, inflammation, and other potential negative side effects.
Keep your skin cool
Removing coarse hair from the body can result in potentially inflamed skin. To reduce swelling and redness, try to keep the freshly treated area cool with an ice pack or some aloe. The more simplistic, natural, and unscented the product, the better for your freshly waxed skin.
Don’t do any excessive exercise
Lastly, it’s important to remember that exercise or excessive exertion can not only irritate the skin, but create an environment prone to infections. For at least two days following your waxing appointment, avoid exercising and other activities that could result in sweating.
Enso is here for all your wax questions and concerns!
Here at Enso, we know that how you feel about your body matters. Getting waxed should be an enjoyable experience that leaves you both looking and feeling great. For tips on how to get the best results while waxing, as well as how to find the best, affordable hair removal products, visit our website.