In the discussion surrounding hair removal methods, many individuals find themselves torn between the convenience of shaving and the reliability of waxing. Sometimes, deciding which option is the better of the two can be more complex than just choosing between simple preferences.
Common questions about waxing
To start, we understand that many clients may have limited experience with professional waxing sessions, or may even have no waxing experience at all. With this in mind, we have outlined some frequently asked questions so that those potentially unfamiliar with the process of waxing can understand how the service effectively removes body hair.
How painful is it?
Pain, irritability, or other potential side effects of using hot wax can vary from person to person. Both hard wax and soft wax can leave those with sensitive skin with inflamed hair follicles and some redness of the skin due to the rapid removal of unwanted hair.
The action of removing a strip of hair can be mildly uncomfortable, but many have no issue with the swift and subtle sting that comes with waxing.
How does waxing work?
Waxing services are highly effective due to the wax’s ability to bind to strands of longer hair and swiftly remove the hair directly from the root of each hair follicle. Since the hair is being removed at the root, it means that entirely new regrowth will need to develop before any hair will be able to resurface through the skin.
How often should someone wax?
The frequency in which someone needs to wax is mostly dependent on the rate in which their hair grows. Body hair grows at a different speed for each person, so it’s up to the individual needing a wax to monitor their hair length for the appropriate ¾ of an inch before booking another wax appointment.
Generally, many find that this amount of new growth takes around three weeks. With regular and consistent appointments, clients should notice that the amount of time needed between waxes grows longer and longer, making for less frequent appointments. This is due in part to the wax gently starting to destroy the hair follicle due to the repeated removal of hair from the root during body waxing.
Why waxing is better than shaving
As professionals, we strongly prefer the results of waxing over the results of shaving. Why? Well we’re glad you’ve asked! Below is a complete guide as to why waxing is far more beneficial than its shaving counterpart.
Waxing lasts longer than shaving
One of the primary reasons waxing stands out in the debate of waxing vs shaving is due to the length in which hair remains unseen. Since waxing does more than just remove hair from the surface of the skin, any new growth takes notably longer to reappear.
There is no risk of cutting yourself
Even with the use of safety razors, electric razors, or an electric trimmer, the ability to cut, knick, or damage the skin is always present. Unlike shaving, waxing poses no threat to cutting or tearing skin in normal situations. This can be especially helpful when trying to remove facial hair, or hair along the sensitive bikini line.
Hair grows back thinner with waxing
Did you know that with consistent sessions, new regrowth can wind up developing thinner and sparser over time? As the hair follicles become damaged, the thickness and regularity of the regrowth become more and more sparse.
Less irritation afterward (with proper aftercare)
Although some do encounter irritation following their waxing session, the side effects are generally mild compared to shaving. The process of shaving can result in razor bumps and razor burn that last for more than just a few days.
Waxing exfoliates your skin
In addition to protecting the health and integrity of your skin, waxing also serves as a mild exfoliant. As each wax strip is removed, layers of dry and dead skin are lifted with it, leaving you with smoother, better skin overall.
Ingrown hairs are less likely to appear
We all know how irritating ingrown hairs can be. With waxing, the potential for ingrown hairs is dramatically decreased, leaving skin to look smoother and healthier than skin that had been treated with a razor.
Enso Wax has all the answers for any waxing question you have!
Less permanent than laser hair removal, but also less expensive, waxing is one of the best options to remove unwanted hair – and we’ll happily stand behind that!
From pubic hair to facial hair, Enso has all the answers to your waxing questions, as well as a range of products and tools that professionals can use to elevate their business. For more information and a list of products, visit our website today!