Unveiling smooth, hair-free skin after a waxing session is often a triumphant moment, but for some, it can lead to an unexpected and uncomfortable histamine reaction. Understanding how to identify and address this common occurrence is key to ensuring a positive waxing experience.
Let’s delve into the intricacies of histamine reactions post-waxing, shedding light on their symptoms, causes, and most importantly, effective treatment methods. Say goodbye to the frustration of unexpected skin reactions and hello to a smoother, more informed waxing journey!
What is Histamine?
Sometimes, when the skin or body is exposed to something it’s not used to, the immune system and neurological systems team up and produce a physical reaction to the trauma. This histamine reaction can take a number of shapes and sizes and can be a result of a few different things. Let’s go over the basics so that you know what to look for after waxing!
What does a Histamine reaction look like?
The primary characteristics of a histamine reaction are noted by a reddening of the skin and the development of bumps around where the waxing product was applied. Sometimes swelling, bumps, and hives can also be a more severe symptom that appears following the hair removal process.
Why do some people get Histamine reactions?
Histamine reactions are most frequently found in those who are not used to the waxing process, or have sensitive skin. When waxing, the hair is removed directly from the root, removing the hair follicle and causing trauma to the surrounding skin. Additionally, some clients may be allergic to some ingredients in wax products, and have a flare up post-wax.
How long does it take for a Histamine reaction to resolve?
Histamine reaction symptoms can last anywhere from an hour or two up to two days following the wax. Reaction time can be minimized when you plan ahead to minimize your reaction, and in the steps you take after your wax.
How do you treat a Histamine reaction?
For those who recently received a wax and are dealing with a histamine reaction at your wax site, these tips are for you! You’ll be able to significantly reduce irritation and the time you have to deal with your reaction by following some of these steps.
Take antihistamines when you notice a reaction
Over the counter antihistamines can be used for more than just your seasonal allergies! You can find relief through a number of readily available antihistamine products to reduce the severity of a negative reaction.
Use post-wax lotions to calm irritation
In addition to over the counter medication, there are professional grade post-wax products that your esthetician should be utilizing. These lotions are tailored specifically to calm post-wax irritation and inflammation, and lessen the discomfort your skin experiences after a wax.
Look into essential oils as an alternative treatment
Sometimes essential oils are all you need to do the trick. For more mild reactions, or for clients that prefer natural remedies, essential oils such as lavender or jojoba are known to have anti-inflammatory properties to calm, soothe, and moisturize the skin. Mixing these oils with other calming ingredients like aloe vera helps enhance the effectiveness.
Steps you can take to avoid a Histamine reaction
If you know that you’re susceptible to histamine reactions, there are steps you can take prior to waxing. Avoid a negative reaction by following these simple steps.
Ensure a high-quality, hypoallergenic wax is used
Hypoallergenic waxes are going to ensure that no reactions occur as a result of being allergic to the wax materials being used. While slightly more costly, these waxes will prove to be beneficial down the line.
A great waxing studio has multiple waxes, some hypoallergenic, to use on clients that have sensitive skin. It’s just another great reason you should always leave waxing to the professionals!
Understand your own skin and allergies to medications
It is important for both your wax technician and you to be fully aware of how your body reacts to things. Anything from medications to allergies can help distinguish what kind of reaction you may have to having your skin waxed.
Avoid anything that can stress your skin out for at least a day
Less is always going to be more. For those who know they have sensitive skin, always avoid participating in irritating activities or anything that can stress the skin. While obvious examples are exercising, hot tubs or hot showers for too long can be simple enough to trigger sensitive skin.
Enso is here to answer any concern you may have about waxing!
Never get caught off guard by physical reactions from waxing again. Enso is here to guide you through the intricacies of waxing, and cover all the possible topics about waxing! For more helpful tips and guides about waxing, visit our website.