Tori Almogabar
Austin, TX | 12-year Esthetician
Follow: waxed.by.tori
Where are you from and how long have you been an esthetician?
HI! I’m Victoria but a lot of people call me Tori and I’m from Austin, Texas.
I graduated from beauty school in 2012, but I didn’t get my Cosmetology license and first industry job until 2014. I worked at a waxing center from 2014-2021 and started training their onboarding waxers in 2017. For a while, I really loved working there.
When did you know it was the time to go solo?

What do you look for in a brand you want in your treatment room?
At the beginning of my solo waxing journey, I was looking for a brand that wasn’t used by the majority of the industry. Looking back, I think I felt like if I was using something different, then I would stand out and be different. Now that I’ve tried a million different brands— quality over quantity all the way. I want good ingredients, ethically sourced, wax that removes hair and doesn't break, products that show results, and that my clients love. The first thing that I look at is packaging and the way they market their brand. A pretty bottle is going to attract a client before a simple or tacky one. A client today commented on an Enso wax bag that I had displayed, asking if it was coffee. I love me a good conversation starter!
Who is your ideal client?
I think when asked what anyone in the industry's ideal clientele is, people are so quick to say “high-end”. While that is nice for obvious reasons, having a connection with your clients will go so much further. My ideal clients are; mothers, entrepreneurs, successful/ambitious people, and people I can laugh and cry with. I also love me some gossipers not gonna lie! Haha
But no really, when you start to attract the people who fit YOU the most, you not only gain clients, but family! Obviously, still keeping it professional, but you get what I mean.
What's your fav beauty product for winter?
My beauty product for winter is a good moisturizer! I think it’s pretty obvious to moisturize the face, but a lot of people neglect their body and us waxers know that getting waxed with dry skin isn’t going to be good for us or the client. My top three moisturizers are: Bushbalm’s ingrown hair oil for my clients who prefer all-natural ingredients, Skin Script’s Aloe-based moisturizer for those who tend to sweat more/more active or oily skin, and Face Reality’s Can-Peptide Cream for those who need a deep moisturizer with anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Do you have any advice for moms in the industry?
My advice to moms in the industry, especially if you’re going off on your own, is to not allow fear to get in the way of your dreams! We are powerful beings, and only we can stop ourselves from the future we want. One thing I told myself right before I opened my business is that I know there are going to be bumps in the road, moments where I cry and feel like giving up. That just means I’m on the right path because nothing good comes easy. There were times when it was emotionally hard for me and my family, especially my daughter but she is so proud of me and tells me she wants to own a salon one day. When you're inspiring your children, you’re doing something right.