Kirsten Goetzelman
Tampa, FL | 12-year Esthetician
Follow: tampawaxer
How did you become a part of the beauty industry and how did your upbringing get you to where you are today?
Before becoming an esthetician, I actually had no idea that this could be a career. I grew up in a small town in Illinois where getting beauty services wasn’t very common. After high school, I moved to Florida and started breaking out really badly (hello, adult acne). I began researching ways to treat my skin and came across an “acne facial” that fit within my young-age budget.
When I arrived, I realized I had booked at a learning facility for students. After my facial, I spoke with the teacher and expressed my interest in the program. A week later, I went back, got all my questions answered, and signed up that same day.
Beauty has always been in my family. My mom attended cosmetology school when I was in elementary school, and I remember always wanting to cut my hair, add a pink streak, and try all sorts of self-care experiments. Even though I never saw myself as a hairstylist, the stars aligned in other ways as I navigated my own skin struggles. I guess it was meant to be.

Why did you choose copper as inspiration for the brand and its products, and how do you approach developing new products?
Copper was actually an idea from Jay, my business partner, who is an avid coffee drinker. In the coffee industry, copper is commonly used because it’s an excellent heat conductor. It was a lightbulb moment when we realized we could bring this beautiful metal into the beauty industry—not just for its heat conductivity but also for its antimicrobial benefits and stunning aesthetic.
We began experimenting with copper as the centerpiece of the brand, and over time, everything unfolded into what it is today—which made creating Penny even more exciting.
What motivates and inspires you every day?
So much! I have an amazing support system of esthetician friends who constantly inspire me. Watching them grow their businesses over the years has been incredible. I also follow a variety of esthetic businesses online, which reminds me how beautiful and cool our jobs truly are. Who else gets to live the life they want while making people feel really good about themselves?
I’d also be lying if I said my corporate friends, who hate their 8–5 jobs, aren’t a motivating factor in my inspiration—haha. I just love building something that’s truly meaningful and feels so close to home as an esthetician myself.
What do you hope beauty professionals gain by using Enso's products and being a part of the community?
For me, the biggest part of building Enso was creating an experience that feels entirely unique—something unlike anything else out there. We wanted to bring not just innovative, revolutionary, and aesthetically pleasing physical products into your space, but also a brand that adds value to you as a professional. That’s why we focus on providing education, protocols, and a supportive community like our Discord (if you haven’t joined yet… you should: https://discord.gg/TGPwBs6k).
At the end of the day, if you feel supported by our brand and empowered to be the best esthetician you can be, then we’ve done our job. 🙂

What lessons from motherhood have influenced the way you approach your business?
Tons! Being a mom before starting my business was such a blessing. The challenges I’ve faced as a mom—being a NICU mom, navigating multiple surprise ER surgeries, and receiving an autism diagnosis—have taught me incredible patience and reminded me that we never truly know the full story behind anything.
I believe that, as women, we have the superpower to lead with emotion and fight with determination. For me, I credit all of my personal growth and resilience to motherhood.